Sandra Greiner and Siddharth Bhaskar join ACP as new assistant professors

We are pleased to announce that we are (again!) growing considerably and hired several new colleagues at our section. Over the next few weeks, we will introduce them here. Today, we begin with Sandra Greiner and Siddharth Bhaskar, who have recently joined ACP as assistant professors. Welcome to you both! You can read a bit about their research below.

Sandra Greiner

Sandra's work aims at safely evolving complex software systems. Particularly, if software comes with a plethora of configuration options,  failures are easily introduced upon software updates. Sandra's research explores how to mitigate such failures by using software product line and model-driven software engineering techniques, enriched by exploiting the potentials of artificial intelligence. 

She is also active in organizing workshops on managing evolving configurable software and their industrial application, she serves in various software engineering conference committees, and is an active member of the European COST Action on randomized optimization algorithm research.

Find more about Sandras research here:

Siddharth Bhaskar

Siddharth is interested in foundational issues in the theory of algorithms and programming languages. For example, why do certain problems seem to admit a richer family of algorithms than others? Why are general lower bounds difficult to find, and what properties of computation do they exploit? Siddharth works in several areas, including finite model theory, implicit computational complexity, and abstract recursion theory.

Find more about Siddarth’s research here: