Research & Projects

ACP includes research groups that are particularly active in the following areas.

Choreographic Programming

Choreographic programming is an award-winning programming paradigm offering a new level of abstraction: programmers can simply state the data communications that they wish a system to execute, and correct programs that implement these communications are automatically produced by a compiler tool.

Concurrency and Logic

The study of logical methods for reasoning about complex behaviour in concurrent and distributed systems.

Microservices, Cloud Computing, and DevSecOps

Microservices are independently executable components that interact by means of well-defined APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

We study how microservices can be designed, programmed, and deployed effectively and securely.

Quantum Computing

We study how the programming of quantum computers can be made accessible and scale up to the demands of modern software development, by creating new programming abstractions, languages, and frameworks.

Software Product Lines

Software engineering methods, tools and techniques for creating a collection of similar software systems from a shared set of software assets using a common means of production

Usable Security

Ensuring that the security implications of interacting with computer systems are accessible and understandable to human users.


Choreographies for Distributed Systems: Reasoning, Expressivity, and Development (CHORDS)

Period: 2024–2029

Type: European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant

Size: ~2 million EUR (~15 million DKK)

  • Fabrizio Montesi (PI, University of Southern Denmark)


Enhancing Digital Security Behaviour with Chatbots

Period: 2024–2027

Type: TrygFonden

Size: ~2.3 million DKK (~308k EUR)

  • Stefanie Sohn (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Peter Mayer (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Dominik Siemon (Participant, LUT University)
  • Oliver Schnittka (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Narongrit Unwerawattana (Developer, University of Southern Denmark)


Cyber Security and Business Continuity

Period: 2023–2026

Type: Industriens Fond (ACTION:CALL)

Size: ~8.5 million DKK (~1140k EUR)

  • Jan Stentoft (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Marco Peressotti (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Peter Mayer (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Fabrizio Montesi (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Narongrit Unwerawattana (Developer, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Amelie Theussen (Participant, Royal Danish Defence College)
  • Ole Stegmann Mikkelsen (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Vincent Keating (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Olivier Schmitt (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)


X-IDF: Explainable Internet Data Flows

Period: 2023–2025

Type: Villum Foundation (Villum Synergy Project)

Size: ~3 million DKK (~400k EUR)

  • Fabrizio Montesi (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Claes de Vreese (PI, University of Southern Denmark)

Rubber DUQ: Flexible Dynamic Universal Quantum programming

Period: 2024–2026

Type: UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Standard research)

Size: ~9 million DKK (~1 million GBP)

  • Chris Heunen (PI, University of Edinburgh)
  • Robin Kaarsgaard (Co-Investigator, University of Southern Denmark)

DeCoRe: Tools and Methods for the Design and Coordination of Reactive Hybrid Systems

Period: 2022–2023

Type: Innovation Fund Denmark, DIREC (Digital Research Centre Denmark)

Size: ~2.3 million DKK (~300k EUR)

  • Fabrizio Montesi (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Thomas Troels Hildebrandt (Participant, University of Copenhagen)
  • Kim Guldstrand Larsen (Participant, Aalborg University)
  • Marco Chiarandini (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Narongrit Unwerawattana (Participant, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Steven Beck Klinberg (Participant, Sanovo Technology Group)
  • Morten Marquard (Participant, DCR Solutions)
  • Claudio Guidi (Participant, italianaSoftware)


Choreographies for connected IT systems

Period: 01-08-2020–31-07-2025

Type: Villum Foundation (Villum Young Investigator Project)

Size: 7 million DKK (~1 million EUR)

  • Fabrizio Montesi (PI, University of Southern Denmark)


Generic Microservices

Period: 01-08-2020–31-07-2023

Type: Independent Research Fund Denmark

Size: 2,341,440 DKK (~300k EUR)

  • Fabrizio Montesi (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Saverio Giallorenzo (Collaborator, University of Bologna)
  • Marco Peressotti (Collaborator, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Olaf Zimmermann (Collaborator, University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland)


Open Data Framework

Period: 01-02-2017–31-01-2019

Type: Max-Planck Odense Center, Species360, Odense Municipality, and University of Southern Denmark (Open Data Exploration strategic area)

Size: 4,164,000 DKK

  • Fabrizio Montesi (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Dalia Amor Conde (Co-PI, University of Southern Denmark)

Online Algorithms and Cheminformatics Meet Concurrency

Period: 01-07-2017–31-06-2020

Type: Independent Research Fund Denmark - Nature and Universe

Size: 1,382,962 DKK

  • Joan Boyar (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Rolf Fagerberg (Co-investigator, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Lene Monrad Favrholdt (Co-investigator, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Kim Skak Larsen (Co-investigator, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Daniel Merkle (Co-investigator, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Fabrizio Montesi (Co-investigator, University of Southern Denmark)


Pseudoexon Risk Estimation Database and In silico Clinical Testing

Period: 01-02-2017–31-01-2019

Type: University of Southern Denmark (Open Data Exploration strategic area)

Size: 1,571,000 DKK

  • Brage Storstein Andresen (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Maja Dembic (Co-PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Thomas Koed Doktor (Co-PI, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Fabrizio Montesi (Co-PI, University of Southern Denmark)

Evolving software systems: analysis and innovative approaches for smart management

Period: 01-07-2015–30-06-2018

Type: Croatian Science Foundation

Size: 594,300 HRK

  • Tihana Galinac Grbac (PI, University of Rijeka)
  • Darko Huljenić (Investigator, University of Zagreb)
  • Goran Mauša (Investigator, University of Rijeka)
  • Fabrizio Montesi (Investigator, University of Southern Denmark)
  • Jean Petric (Investigator, )
  • Per Runeson (Investigator, Lund University)
  • Ivan Štajduhar (Investigator, University of Rijeka)
  • Nikola Tanković (Investigator, )


Choreographies for Reliable and efficient Communication software

Period: 01-08-2014–31-07-2017

Type: Independent Research Fund Denmark - Technology and Production Sciences

Size: 2,431,030 DKK

  • Fabrizio Montesi (PI, University of Southern Denmark)
